Grind Island Test Run Debug Download
This is an over 2Gig download and not for the faint of heart. It is a test for Windows machines and I will post more on it later.
Beta Test Site
This is an over 2Gig download and not for the faint of heart. It is a test for Windows machines and I will post more on it later.
Player Name Implementation Player Game Timer In Game Menu YouTube Music Player Working On In Game Browser Controls So Many Added GraFX and Fixes Starting To Implement Real Game Triggers Amended Android Build Working (coming soon) This version is for Windows x64 and you need to unzip the RAR file...
Well after a few weeks of getting a new (old) computer installed to help run this website, my streaming, and just well… just haveing a good windows computer in general… I decided to also give a go at app/game development. I feel as though it was an inevitable thing going...
This is an over 2Gig download and not for the faint of heart. It is a test for Windows machines and I will post more on it later.